Tuesday, December 18, 2007

OGBL Power Rankings Fall 2007

Whilst not that many games have yet been played (and indeed many coaches have not begun the season yet!) it is important to give the overall picture of what is going on in the league. Now this is a "power ranking" table, not a league table. Its just for pride. It allows coaches playing in the "Open League" to compare how their teams are doing versus the competition. The trophies will be fought for in a play off style affair periodically, with each coach eligible to enter one of their teams.

For these power rankings the following scoring system has been used.

Win = 15

Tie = 10

Loss = 5

TDF = 1

TDA = -1

Tie breaker = CAS +/-

Absolute points in an open league is not a fair reflection of a teams relative success so all points are divided by the number of games a team has played to give a points average. This way a team which has played 40 games could be compared with a team that played 10 for example.

We will be recording as many interesting stats as I can pursuade people to write down so expect team gate averages and team weather averages and so on.

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